Experiences with fun and enthusiasm
Also nowadays lot of people and companies are looking for the ideal start of lean transformation. Or they have lost their motivation? Even if your processes works successfully, but they would like to continuously improve their achievements.
Maybe you are using a classic manual kanban, but you would like to play IKS ekanban’s game to enjoy the power of IKS ekanban as tool of holistic material flow management with a measurable improvements by 20-50%. Or maybe you are eager to learn more about visual paperless execution that simplify the workload of end users.
Get sign up for some of our trainings or ask for a specific workshop offer in English.
Would you like to improve your current process or implement an e-Kanban system, call us. When you are looking for a lean guide for your journey. We will be happy to help and guide you!
Where to start?
Accepting lean thinking techniques and continuous improvement comes from internal emotional feelings to challenge the usual standards.
Imagine that everyone in your workplace is blind!
What conditions did we have prepared for them?
Is there everything safe and safely stored?
Is the workspace intuitive and well organized?
How is it protected from miss touch, for example how to select correct color of the pen, when the shapes are the same and used by many persons?
How much time and energy does this small details cost us?
Try to close your eyes and set your workspace standard and let your kids to join you …
Probably you will experience internal deep feeling, that fixing standards makes a sense and you recognise that your professional workspace is also one big playground full of children too!
These inefficient details also affect office workspace.
How do you store documents, data files, drawings and communication history with your customers and suppliers?
Do you look or search for them? Are there any standards that we follow to have easy personal backup or substitution when needed?
Nowadays we are facing a high staff turbulences and the gradual loss of corporate experience & knowledge. We do not manage to catch-up, renew and train new team members fully, which turns in dropping of service level to our business partners and end customers!
The lean principles we usually use in all areas of our daily lives and it is not only technique for automotive industry, as it is widely presented.
We are here for you!
We recommend that you look for more inspiration on the following pages, which are full of practical examples.
manufactus Certification
We would like to build a community of IKS e-kanban users to share personal knowledge and experience. These trainings can be provided as an independent training or as part of a logistics / kanban project.
Certified knowledge is guaranteed by manufactus GmbH.
LEAN – certificate
Manual Kanban projects
Calculation of Kanban’s
Holistic supply chain management
Continuous improvement of specific projects in supply chains
Audit of current process, analyses of opportunity, setup and improvement of new standards by trained person
Timing: individual agreement / time plan
Training or workshop on request or your specific opportunity
Are you looking for internal training based on your local situation? Then we can adjust the training content exactly to your needs. Our goal is to build and increase the competitiveness, sustainability and prosperity of our customers.
IKS customers education
When you are already IKS e-Kanban user, it makes sense to be regularly informed about new features and refresh your knowledge. IKS e-kanban software is constantly developed with new features and details, so it is very important that your team stays in the picture and ahead of your competition. For our certified IKS Admins, we have a special community through which all of them can directly share their own IKS experiences within each other.
IKS 1st level – IKS WEB user
Base knowledge of IKS system functionality
Pull principle and kanban
IKS modules
Kanban calculating and IKS levels
IKS transactions and analyses
Timing: 2 days per 8 hours
IKS 2nd level – IKS Kanban Trainer
IKS Admin with 1 year experience and advanced knowledge of IKS Kanban modules and trainer of end-users. This certificate allows entry in to IKS Admin community
Sustain, grow and continuously improve kanban transactions
Supporting IKS end-users
Calculating kanban levels hladin
Building holistic supply chains
Timing: 1 year as IKS Admin + 5 days per 8 hours
IKS 3rd level – Holistic IKS Kanban Professional
IKS Admin with 2 year experience in all IKS e-Kanban modules and integrations with enterprise systems. This certificate allows entry in to IKS Admin community.
Holistic Kanban supply chains sustain, grow and improve
Designing integrations structure in to enterprise systems and paperless executing
Timing: 2 years IKS Admin + 5 days per 8 hours